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About Debra

I'm Debra Joyce and I’m an inspirational speaker and certified divorce coach based in Texas.

I’m deeply committed to helping individuals navigate life’s transitions with grace and resilience.

A photo of Debra Joyce, a keynote motivational speaker.

My Story

The past few years have been the most challenging of my life. I’ve endured profound physical, mental, and emotional pain—heartbreak so deep that I pleaded with God to take it away. Heartbreak distorts our self-perception, whispering lies that we are unlovable, unworthy, and insufficient. These are tools the enemy uses to keep us from healing. 

But through this pain, I have experienced the Holy Spirit’s power in ways I never imagined, restoring my strength and faith.

Guidance For Your Story

As a certified divorce coach, I guide individuals and groups through the complexities of loss and heartbreak. 

My mission is to help you see that grief and loss are parts of your story, but they do not define who you are.

Together, we’ll uncover the strength and hope within you, empowering you to embrace life’s next chapter with confidence and purpose.

When I’m not traveling, speaking, or coaching, I treasure time with my two amazing adult children, who inspire me daily with their purpose-filled lives. I’m also thrilled to be stepping into a new chapter as a GiGi for the first time!
In 2024, I embarked on a beautiful new beginning, marrying a wonderful Christian man. This journey has shown me that every stage of life requires intentional effort. Marriage is hard, divorce is hard, and being single is hard—each one requires work. My most transformative decision was choosing to focus on my healing. It allowed God to shape and refine me, like a potter molding clay, into the woman He created me to be.
Debra's wedding, a beautiful new beginning.
If you’re ready to start your journey toward healing and transformation, I’m here to walk alongside you.

Let’s Get to Know Each Other Better