23 Jan Encountering the Power of the Holy Spirit: A Journey of Faith and Resilience
Having grown up in a Christian home, one might assume that I would have had a better grasp on handling a crisis like divorce from the start. But the reality is, I didn’t. I knew God and I knew Jesus but I wasn’t taught much about the Holy Spirit and the strength He gives. In my darkest days, the Holy Spirit became a profound source of strength, especially through the prayers of fellow believers.
The Holy Spirit is not some mystical concept; He resides within us. He provides the strength to accomplish what we cannot do on our own. We shouldn’t shy away from discussing the Holy Spirit; He is our divine source of power.
The Journey Through Crisis:
When confronted with the painful experience of divorce, I realized that relying on my own strength was insufficient. It was during these trying times that I found solace and guidance in connecting to the Holy Spirit’s power within me. These last few years have become a spiritual journey like never before, drawing me closer to God in ways I had not anticipated.
Experiencing the Power:
The power of the Holy Spirit became very real to me, filling my life with a sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment that surpassed any earthly understanding. In leaning on Christ and Christ alone, I discovered a reservoir of strength that empowered me to face the challenges head-on. It was not about avoiding pain or struggles, but about having the divine strength to rise above them.
Understanding God’s Plan:
In these moments of connection with the Holy Spirit, I realized that God does not desire us to struggle or suffer. However, living in a fallen world means that challenges are inevitable. The assurance I found in my faith was not that the pain would be taken away, but that I would be given the strength to endure, move forward, and press on. Every trial, every hardship, served a purpose in shaping my journey.
Facing the Reality:
Having the Holy Spirit’s power within doesn’t erase the pain or hurt, but it transforms our perspective. It allows us to acknowledge the hurt, feel the pain, and grieve the loss of what once was. The journey through divorce involves facing the death of a marriage and the death of dreams, but the Holy Spirit provides the strength to endure and emerge stronger.
Encouragement for Others:
To those going through difficult times, I offer this encouragement: whatever you’re facing is temporary. In the midst of the storm, it might not feel that way, but the fact that you’re still here means you’ve already survived 100% of what you’ve faced so far. Take the time to feel the hurt, acknowledge the pain, and grieve the losses. Then, rise up with the knowledge that God has plans and purposes for you that far exceed what you might currently believe is possible.
My journey through the crisis of divorce has been marked by a deep connection with the Holy Spirit—a connection that brought strength, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose. While life’s challenges are inevitable, the power within us, through our faith, allows us to navigate the storms with grace and emerge on the other side with a stronger, more profound understanding of God’s unwavering love.